Saturday, March 28, 2009

Haven't really had time to trade lately, and when I do I am trading dead markets.

Working pretty much every day serving, coming home doing Math to get into Math&econ at university.

Started thinking about buying some equities long term (distressed equities) being AIG, Citi, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, DXO (DB oil 2x etf).

Also have been trying to get my first "Pricer" built but finding it quite difficult as the tools I need are quite expensive (Bloomberg ~$1500 a month, Esignal ~200-500 a month, Reuters ~$2500 a month) . Might just focus on the theory for a bit then move to practice once I have gotten both my math and programming skills upto par.

Overall I KNOW that my trading theory works (with or without indicators, as I can spot the entries without indicators now), I need to work on what is happening to the market at what time of the day so that I can monitor where I take entries. I.E. I get off work at 930, get home at 10, and Asia is still on lunch so its usually slow, I take an entry 10m before they are back from lunch, all of a sudden I am stopped out due to the Nikkei being bought/sold over lunch.

"Every action we take, everything we do, is either a victory or defeat in the struggle to become what we want to be" Ninon de Lenclos.

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